There are many herbal sleep aids available now, mostly in the form of herbal teas which are easy to access and prepare.
Insomnia is a terrible condition that affects a large portion of the country.
It can cause your productivity to decrease, your quality of work to suffer, and your mental and physical health to weaken.
Can Herbal Teas Help You Sleep Better?
The medications typically used to treat this condition tend to over-correct the issue and put you at risk of experiencing quite a few negative side effects.
Due to that, many people suffering from insomnia choose to exhaust all the natural options for remedies first.
If you are interested in using herbal remedies as a part of everyday first aid treatments, read on! The following can be helpful in creating an herbal first aid kit for your home.
A herbal first aid kit will allow you to treat minor injuries, burns, and other non-serious maladies.
What You Need
Your kit should contain herbal and traditional remedies for things like cuts, rashes, burns, and minor ailments.
If I am perfectly honest I haven’t spent much of my life thinking about sauerkraut or it’s health benefits.
It’s a European dish of fermented cabbage that often tastes as good as it sounds.
After a brief introduction on top of a sausage sandwich at a fancy market (thought it was onion), sauerkraut has slowly started infiltrating the domestic offerings from our kitchen.
If you’ve ever suffered from asthma, then you’ll recognise the symptoms of an asthma attack. That shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing and feelings of panic (from mild to severe). There are many home remedies for asthma, not curing, but relieving the symptoms of an asthma attack.
My journey with Asthma
I’ve suffered from Asthma since my 40s and only recently discovered I had allergies. Some allergies I can deal with by not eating or preparing them (soya, potatoes, wheat, olive) but enviromental allergies are trickier (Ash, Birch and grass).
I have to point out here that since cutting out my known allergens, the symptoms have eased by quite a bit. It’s definitely worth getting tested, then consulting with your health professional
“These remedies are not to replace any medications prescribed by your health professional”.
What is Asthma
Asthma is a disease of the lungs that causes difficulty breathing. These asthma attacks occur when there is an obstruction in the flow of air in the lungs.
Because the airways swell up during an asthma attack, the muscles around them become tight, causing the constriction of air around the lungs.
Figure A shows the location of the lungs and airways in the body. B shows a cross-section of a normal airway. C shows a cross-section of an airway during asthma symptoms. Source:
Head lice (nits) are those pesky tiny parasites that live on the scalp and hair shafts.
It is a common problem among children, especially when they first start school, or return after a holiday. Fortunately, there are many home remedies for lice!
Lice are no respecter of age or gender and are easily passed on to siblings and other family members, including Grans, Aunts and Uncles etc.
In the olden days, sometimes the head was shaved completely or Kerosene was used to treat head lice.
When Kerosene was used, a severe combing with a special bone comb was then done to remove the eggs.
A painful and very smelly procedure, thankfully we have gentler and pleasant smelling home remedies for lice these days!