How to Make a Herbal First Aid Kit

Diuretic Herbs

Herbal First AidIf you are interested in using herbal remedies as a part of everyday first aid treatments, read on! The following can be helpful in creating an herbal first aid kit for your home.

A herbal first aid kit will allow you to treat minor injuries, burns, and other non-serious maladies.

What You Need

Your kit should contain herbal and traditional remedies for things like cuts, rashes, burns, and minor ailments.

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Home Remedies for Arthritis

Spices and herbs

Home Remedies for Arthritis

If you’re reading this, chances are you either have arthritis or know someone who does. There are many home remedies for arthritis, depending on the type you have.

According to Arthritis Australia, there are more than 100 types of arthritis. The 3 most common are:

Most are characterised by joint pain, inflammation, and damage to joint cartilage. The end result being joint instability, deformity and a major impact on daily activities.

Without question, it’s one of the major causes of disability and chronic pain in our society.

The question is what can you do with home remedies to ease joint pain and inflammation?

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Benefits of Sauerkraut

The Surprising Health Benefits of Sauerkraut

SauerkrautIf I am perfectly honest I haven’t spent much of my life thinking about sauerkraut or it’s health benefits.

It’s a European dish of fermented cabbage that often tastes as good as it sounds.

After a brief introduction on top of a sausage sandwich at a fancy market (thought it was onion), sauerkraut has slowly started infiltrating the domestic offerings from our kitchen.

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Home Remedies For Eczema

baking soda for eczema

eczema home remediesIf you’ve ever suffered from the dry, itchy skin caused by eczema, then you’ll understand how painful it can be.

Fortunately, there are a number of Eczema home remedies you can try.

Home remedies for eczema can be made with products you either already keep in your store cupboard or are easy to find.

Different solutions work for different people so do try them till you find the one that works for you.

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Home Remedies For Flu

probiotics for flu

home remedies for fluYou feel that tickle in your throat and the beginnings of a headache.

You just generally feel “under the weather”, all signs of the impending flu!

Fortunately, there are very effective home remedies for flu.

For the first day or two, you might think you have a simple cold.

Often, by the time you realize it’s the flu, schedule an appointment, and go to the doctors for treatment, you have the full blown flu virus.

The advantage of home remedies is that you can start taking home remedies immediately you have symptoms such as:

  • runny nose
  • cough
  • aches and pains in the body
  • scratchy throat
  • headache
  • nausea

Sometimes, taking a natural remedy for flu can be enough to relieve you of the worst flu symptoms and get you back on your feet quickly.

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Home Remedies for Inflammation

Epsom Salts

anti inflammatory home remediesWhen you injure yourself, like pulling a muscle or giving your knee a bang, inflammation is the natural response of the body to protect the injured part.

But, it’s painful! Anti inflammatory home remedies can be as effective as over the counter, chemical laden medication.

(As always. consult your health physician before taking any herbal supplements).

Anti-inflammatories help to reduce swelling and give pain relief and there are many herbs and spices that can help with this 3.

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Home Remedies For Acne


Home Remedies For AcneWith skin being the largest organ in your body, it’s important to look after your skin without using harsh chemicals.

There are a ton of home remedies for acne which don’t entail using harsh chemicals and spending loads of money!

Not everyone suffers from acne, but if you’re one of the unlucky ones, I’ve no doubt you’ve tried many solutions.

Sometimes it’s not full blown acne, but small pimples. You can still get scars but, there’s a lot you can do to reduce and remove acne and pimple scars. 

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