About Me

Kathy Russell

I live in rural Scotland and am Mum to 4 grown up children (one is a qualified herbalist!) and Granny to 6. I’ve had a keen interest in alternatives to harsh chemicals since my early 20s and grow my own herbs for culinary and medicinal use.

With 40 yrs of experience behind me, I’ve discovered what works and what remedies are really just old wives tales.

My favourite herb is Echinacea….feel a cold coming on, drink lots of Echinacea tea. Living in Scotland, this is a very useful strategy!

I also make use of the many products that are now available for use at home (safely), not the case in my teenage years!

Intolerances and Allergies also figure highly in my life having discovered (late in life) that I had a few!

I’m always looking for the latest info and things that can help with this, apart from avoiding adding triggers to my food.

I always keep an Aloe Vera plant on the windowsill for burns, you know, when you accidentally touch the side of the oven with your arm (ouch). Slice the plant leaf down the middle and rub the gel over the burn, miraculous!

I’m also a website developer, graphic designer and online business coach.